To those done with religion but not God and my kids (Click FOLLOW for future Posts; See ABOUT/USING THIS SITE tab to navigate Site)

As a parent I don’t want my kids to experience any pain, especially if not brought on by their own selfish or immoral behaviors. Much of suffering though is not self-induced such as going through difficult adjustments whether it is a new school or job. What parent wants their child to experience any problems they themselves rather not face? I can remember starting with my current company over fourteen years ago. I enjoy what I do now. I can also remember wanting to quit the first three months as I was overwhelmed with what I had to learn and the challenges at hand.  I was an emotional wreck. Any person starting a new job or college knows what I am talking about. I would rather just skip the adjustment stage.

Do we really want God to be like us though? During difficult times who doesn’t want God to just wave a wand and makes things all better. We may be tempted to get angry with God during suffering because we don’t understand His ways may be better than our ways. Do we really grow when challenges or problems are made to just go away by God? How does this prepare us for the next adjustment? Doesn’t success during difficult times empower us the next time and provide encouragement and memories that we can handle whatever obstacle is in our current path?

If God constantly brings about miracles in our life, why not for everyone else? How is that fair that He always intervenes in some peoples lives and not others? Doesn’t that simply make a mockery out of freedom? How can we really help others when they see miracle after miracle in our life and not handling suffering as they are? I hate writing about suffering because compared to most in life, I have suffered very little. The true saints in life are those who accept suffering, lean on God during these times,  and have a peace beyond understanding. Those are the people who have something to teach me and that I ultimately respect. Anyone can handle a miracle.

Thank God He is not like me! Thank God He does not act like a Jeannie in a bottle. What is amazing is that God can make pain go ahead and doesn’t. As a Parent He is willing to go through the agony much more than we as parents. God has the power to make things all better and resists. We parents don’t have the power but we may die trying to prevent pain and create short-term fixes.